The Only Limitation to Your Potential is the Only One You Make

It was around the year, that I had the moment where I called the low point in my life, where I lost the energy to do anything and I have no idea where to go or what to do in the future. Basically I felt that my life was going nowhere. At the time I … Continue reading The Only Limitation to Your Potential is the Only One You Make

Mendefinisikan Bahagia,

Jakarta, Saya jatuh cinta dengan ibukota Indonesia ini. Dulu, saat pertama kali merantau ke Jakarta saya merasa pesimis bisa bertahan disini. Ya, meski sebetulnya saya ingin merasakan hidup bebas sebagai orang dewasa. Rasanya, sudah saatnya saya melepaskan diri dari ketiak orang tua dan menanggung biaya hidup secara mandiri. Singkat cerita, saya turut memadati ibukota di … Continue reading Mendefinisikan Bahagia,